Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Ok, it's been a while. I've had a bunch of ups and downs since I last posted on here. A lot of people have entered my life and some have dissapeared. Some of the ones that have chosen to dissapear I still care about but perhaps them being far away will make things better for them one day. Then on another hand some people being so far away could have caused rifts between friendships. Though one can never know as we only get to choose one path at a time. I'll be graduating in about 9 or so months and it feels wonderful. I can't wait for the stress to be lifted off my shoulders so I can be me again. A carefree bouncy woman with the love of her life by her side. Being able to see friends again would be thrilling instead of having to make slots to put friend time into.

I've come to realize that college life may suck when you have to work alongside the classes but eventually it will pay off for me. All I have to do is make it through and i'll be good as silver. Who knows there's a couple new stores opening up by next year I may take a position as store manager until I can find my dream job. Next summer I plan on going to every con I can make it to and I am not running anything. I deserve a summer to recover from all the work i've done in the past 5 years. Anyways I hope all is well wherever you are.


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